This site will be under construction for a few often right now. Please be patient, most changes will be made late at night. Thank you for your time and consideration. Tami
Hello and welcome to the Share Square! This site is design to help beginners, as well as advanced individuals walk about your computer and the internet with ease. Here you can learn everything from how to buy a computer, use a computer, use computer program, surf the net, customize your computer and troubleshooting techniques.
This all started the other day when I received an E-mail on the internet with the subject stating: "Oh Great Computer Guru, Can you help me?" I thought a joke was being passed to me on the internet. When I opened it up, it was a friend in Tennessee wanting to know how to troubleshoot a problem and fix it. I don't know how many hours I have spent troubleshooting, customizing and repairing computers! My friends constantly ask me to help them with computer issues, and I do. I am hoping this site will enable people to be able to troubleshoot, use, and walk though this High Tech Society a little easier! This site is for you! If you need more help and I don't have an answer: Just ask. Do you have something that you think would help others? Please, Share it With Us! That is what the Share Square is all about. This is your site, your reference, your troubleshooting aid, your 3 Ring Binder on High Tech, if you will. Design this site with me for you. I ask nothing in return, I only want to help. Enjoy your journey in the Share Square and may it be prosperous for you.
As you go through the site, you will see Words highlighted in blue: This means that you can click on those words, and it will take you to the related topic. Once you have used a link, it will change colors, usually an orange type color. That means that you have already visited that topic. You may still go there, it is just to let you know where you have been. At the top of this site you will see several topics: Click on the one that interests you, and you will be taken to go that related topic. That is basically how you move about the site, and the internet. If for some reason you get lost, or want to go back to the last screen you saw, click on the "Back" button on the top left of the screen at anytime, and you will be where you started at before your "Cyber Trip" began. Good Luck and let me know what you think. Thanks, Tami